Concurrent Paper Sessions

How to Participate

  1. Choose the discussions you wish to attend.
  2. During the week leading up to the conference, watch the two 20 minute presentations on related research.
  3. Join the discussion at the scheduled time, either over zoom or in person at the conference.

See also additional information for online participants

Presentations Time Location
Climate induced migration and the challenge of place in theological discourse: the Pacific Climate warriors as a case study.
Mary Eastham
Exploring the place of Israel in mission through migrant perspective: universal not particular
Hyeong-Kyoon Kim
Wed 11:45am NZDT F 1.02
Exonerating the past, and building toward a shared tomorrow: The usefulness of trust and dialogue in the journey to bring about generational healing - A Dialogical Intergenerational Pastoral Process perspective.
Ashwin Manuel
Othered Migration Voices
David Treanor
Wed 11:45am NZDT E 1.01
A Model of Religiosity and the Refugee Experience: Shifting Typologies at Each Stage of the Refugee Journey.
Susan Ennis
Migration, Journeys, and The Luminaries
David Tombs
Wed 2:00pm NZDT F 1.02
Understanding the spirituality of refugee children and theology of migration through two different lenses.
Goodwin & Mudge
From Hospitality to Partnership: A Practical Theological Exploration of Migration and Intercultural Church in South Australia
Paul Goh
Wed 2:00pm NZDT E 1.01
Moana: Changing tides in the Pacific diaspora
Terry Pouono
Migrant Women: Myths, Meanings and Self-Realisation
Cecilia Francisco-Tan
Wed 3:30pm NZDT F 1.02
A Migrational Reading of Philippians
Mark Keown
Retrieving practical theology from the archives: a reassessment of race and justice in Oceania migration
Steve Taylor
Wed 3:30pm NZDT E 1.01
Diaconal Vocational Discernment as a Journey: A report on an Action-Research project in the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta.
Collins & Carroll
Where you go – women who went – exit via exile, slavery, and immigration in my sacred text.
Miriam Fisher
Thu 11:45am NZDT F 1.02
Critical consciousness, contextual theology, and theological construction: A case study in social locatedness and research integrity
Phillip Larking
Contexts and Complexities
Peter Carblis
Thu 11:45am NZDT E 1.01
The Moving Church: Shifting Beyond Strangeness and Standardization to Interculturality
David Turnbull
The impact of migration on the Catholic community in Australia from the end of the Second World War to the present
Bob Dixon
Thu 2:00pm NZDT F 1.02
Migrated Theological Ideas: Deconstructing White Theology’s 19th c. Aesthetic Impact in Oceania: The Case of Black and White.
Christopher Longhurst
An Australian Catholic Church Graced by Migration: Developing a Pastoral Care Strategy
Des Cahill
Thu 2:00pm NZDT E 1.01

Discussion featuring Mary Eastham and Hyeong-Kyoon Kim

Wed 11:45am NZDT

F 1.02

Climate induced migration and the challenge of place in theological discourse: the Pacific Climate warriors as a case study.

Exploring the place of Israel in mission through migrant perspective: universal not particular

Discussion featuring Manuel Ashwin and David Treanor

Wed 11:45am NZDT

E 1.01

Exonerating the past, and building toward a shared tomorrow: The usefulness of trust and dialogue in the journey to bring about generational healing - A Dialogical Intergenerational Pastoral Process perspective.

Othered Migration Voices

Discussion featuring Susan Ennis and David Tombs

Wed 2:00pm NZDT

F 1.02

A Model of Religiosity and the Refugee Experience: Shifting Typologies at Each Stage of the Refugee Journey.

Migration, Journeys, and The Luminaries

Discussion featuring Denise Goodwin, Jacob Mudge and Paul Goh

Wed 2:00pm NZDT

E 1.01

Understanding the spirituality of refugee children and theology of migration through two different lenses.

From Hospitality to Partnership: A Practical Theological Exploration of Migration and Intercultural Church in South Australia

Discussion featuring Terry Pouono and Cecilia Francisco-Tan

Wed 3:30pm NZDT

F 1.02

Moana: Changing tides in the Pacific diaspora

Migrant Women: Myths, Meanings and Self-Realisation

Discussion featuring Mark Keown and Steve Taylor

Wed 3:30pm NZDT

E 1.01

A Migrational Reading of Philippians

Retrieving practical theology from the archives: a reassessment of race and justice in Oceania migration

Discussion featuring John Collins, Sandra Carroll and Miriam Fisher

Thu 11:45am NZDT

F 1.02

Diaconal Vocational Discernment as a Journey: A report on an Action-Research project in the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta.

Where you go – women who went – exit via exile, slavery, and immigration in my sacred text.

Discussion featuring Phillip Larking and Peter Carblis

Thu 11:45am NZDT

E 1.01

Critical consciousness, contextual theology, and theological construction: A case study in social locatedness and research integrity

Contexts and Complexities

Discussion featuring David Turnbull and Bob Dixon

Thu 2:00pm NZDT

F 1.02

The Moving Church: Shifting Beyond Strangeness and Standardization to Interculturality

The impact of migration on the Catholic community in Australia from the end of the Second World War to the present

Discussion featuring Christopher Longhurst and Des Cahill

Thu 2:00pm NZDT

E 1.01

Migrated Theological Ideas: Deconstructing White Theology’s 19th c. Aesthetic Impact in Oceania: The Case of Black and White.

An Australian Catholic Church Graced by Migration: Developing a Pastoral Care Strategy